Susan Crittenden
PMA Certified Teacher


Susan remembers the day she  first heard about Pilates in August of 2003.

Having experienced debilitating pain after a personal training session. She scheduled an appointment with a Chiropractor.  The Chiropractor told her two things that literally changed her life.
1) you have scoliosis
2) try Pilates

She took the advice to try Pilates.
After about 2 months of twice-weekly sessions, she noticed changes in her strength, posture & balance.  She learned how the curvature in her spine, though small, made one side of her body tight.  She learned what side was weaker & how to work on strengthening that side.  “It was truly a transformational experience.  I wanted to learn everything there was to know about this Pilates Method!”

Susan left a successful sales career in “corporate America “ to begin her Pilates teacher training.  She enrolled in the Peak Pilates comprehensive program in 2009.  After completion of the level one program. She began teaching in 2010.  In 2014 she completed the final exam & was comprehensively certified.
She soon started working for a Physical Therapist as well as several Pilates studios in Pittsburgh.
Susan continues to learn about the human body & movement through workshops & classes in continuing education. 

Joseph Pilates called his method “Contrology”.  Through Pilates, Susan has learned how to control her movements & remain free from pain.
She is on a mission to help others enjoy exercise & feel good in their bodies.

Susan’s experience with Pilates can be summed up with , one of Joseph Pilates’ famous quotes:  “Change happens through movement & movement heals”